
I am following the Introduction to Kubernetes Tutorial over at While documenting the progress I have, without going into too much detail. I can recommend a read through on this Topic while it is still available, since it will give you an good overview of what to expect from and how to use Kubernetes

Ingress - Chapter 14

Ingress - Chapter 14

2 min read

Among the Service Types the NodePort and LoadBalancer are most often used. In this chapter, we will explore the Ingress API resource, which represents a layer of abstraction deployed in front of the Service API, offering a unified method of managing access to our application from the external world.

Services - Chapter 10

Services - Chapter 10

5 min read

In this chapter, we will learn about Service objects used to abstract the communication between cluster internal microservices, or with the external world. We will also learn about the kube-proxy daemon which implemets the services configuration and provide access to services.